Monday, December 1, 2008

The Deja Vu of Terror

The aftermath of any terror attack, in India, and the events following it gives me a feeling of Déjà vu. Everything seems familiar to me, the backlash of the media, the people and the opposition. Though, this time, I found some unity during the first day or two of the attacks in the political community, however, things were back to square one in the ensuing days. The state of horror, during the first day, makes way to a stage of restlessness and expectation (and of course! ‘Unity’), during the next few days, and finally comes a stage of anger over systemic failure from the people and the media together. How many times I have seen it on TV, but the same things keep on repeating over and over again, and still it continues, and I fear, for many more times to come. The only thing that is different in all these terror attacks is how the terrorists are getting better and bolder with every attack, coming up with their own innovative (sorry to use this word, but that is how it is) ways to spread terror.

The Mumbai carnage shocked me, partly because this was no hit and run attack or a fidayeen human bomb attack. It was, in fact, a war brought into one of the most populated cosmopolitan cities of the world. It was beyond my imagination on how a handful of people can take a city siege and bring a country to stand still. The siege went on for two days, and after 190 deaths and injuries to many more, the situation was taken under ‘control’ and life resumed its normality from Monday.

I was watching one of the news channels on the ensuing days, and after many interviews with the celebrities and after many debates later, the media thought fit to go to the people who suffer the most, the ‘aam janta’ (common public). One question, from a person, inspired me to write this article. He asked, ‘What were these politicians doing when they knew that attack was coming?’. How ironic it is? Isn’t it? Don’t we know what these politicians were doing when these terrorists were planning and training for their attacks?

I would like every Indian to remember the events, for past few months, following upto the terrorists attacks. When the terrorists were planning their moves, doing recce mission to India, we were busy ‘protecting our cultures’ by driving out ‘alien people’ just because they were earning their livelihood in Mumbai. Every politician of maharastra, from Raj Thackeray, to the chief minister was busy playing vote bank politics to get some extra political mileage from the riots.

How can we blame terrorists for spreading carnage? They were just doing their jobs (sorry for being blunt). I think our politicians should take the blame, for indulging in their petty politics, for having utter disregard for the lives of people, be it the lives 200 people or the lives of our brave Army men. We don’t require these events to tell us that our Army men are brave and be proud of them after their death!!! I am not calling for the politicians to take moral responsibility and resign, I request them to take responsibility of guarding the integrity and unity of what we call India, and rise above their parochial ways of vote bank politics.

1 comment:

harrysakharkar said...

I am impressed with your language. but things I want to add, or I want to add a dimension is the role of media, I can to know that due to this media the guys killing people "TERRERIST" were knowing movemnet of our soilders every now and then and were able to pin-pointedly kill at will. I think media is beeing misused to its fullest, in advantage of anti social elements. may be for this type of getting information or spreeding terror, max terror is spread not by killing people but by showing those grusome videos.